Scottish haddock fisherman Andrew Bremner is one of 12 fishermen from around the world to feature in a new sustainable seafood cookbook from the Marine Stewardship Council.

The cookbook from the MSC, which bills itself as “the organisation responsible for the world’s leading sustainable seafood ecolabel”, showcases each of the featured recipes alongside a fisherman who caught the species

Mr Bremner is pictured with a recipe for MSC haddock with fennel, lemon and black olives.

The Scottish haddock recipe was been created by Cornish restaurateur and UK MSC ambassador Mitch Tonks.

The Ocean Cookbook, free to download from the MSC's website from today (January 6), is described by the organisation as “a global collaboration between 12 award-winning chefs and sustainable fishermen from around the world, united in the belief that sustainable fishing is a must if we are to protect our oceans”.

Using seafood from MSC-certified fisheries, the digital cookbook is aimed at highlighting how easy it is to “rustle up healthy, sustainable seafood dishes at home”.

Mr Bremner, from the Scottish Fisheries Sustainable Accreditation Group (SFSAG), said it was important to promote sustainable Scottish fish.

Declaring the MSC label shows the consumer the fish “is a sustainable and safe product to eat and you are not harming the stock”, he added: “You have to make sure you are guaranteeing a future in the job.

“I want to be doing this for another 30 or 40 years. It’s in my interest to fish within sustainable levels. This has to do with the science. With haddock you are only taking out a safe level. You are not scratching the surface of what is there.”

The haddock Mr Bremner catches is sold within the UK, to supermarkets and Scottish fish and chip shops.

Mr Tonks said: “When you choose fish with the blue MSC ecolabel on, you can be absolutely sure where it has come from. Not only that, you are also protecting communities, livelihoods and the traditions of fishermen all around the world. Most importantly, making a sustainable choice means that we have fish for the future, and we all want that – right?”

George Clark, MSC UK & Ireland programme director, said: “We know that more home cooks have enjoyed finding amazing new recipes online and digital cookbooks are a planet friendly way to new MSC fish recipes in one place. We’re very proud to be working with top chefs from around the world who understand the importance of only using sustainable seafood. With this cookbook project, it’s been a unique opportunity for the fishers who harvest the 12 sustainable species, to work with the chefs who create these delicious dishes.”