SMALL business leaders said the Scottish Government’s easing of coronavirus restrictions will allow firms including shops to “salvage some trade” ahead of Christmas.

The Federation of Small Businesses said that with news that Covid restrictions will be eased across significant parts of the country from this weekend that people back local firms, especially shops, while following the public health advice.

Andrew McRae, FSB’s Scotland policy chair, said: “Today’s changes give many Scottish smaller firms an opportunity to salvage some trade ahead of Christmas. But it will have been for nothing if people across the country aren’t prepared to support the traders on their doorsteps.

“That’s why we’re urging the people of Scotland to use the 12 full days from this weekend to the 25th to support their local and independent businesses however they can. No matter where you are in the country, or which level you’re in, we need everyone to do their bit.”

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The FSB also urged the Scottish Government to use the windfall from rates reliefs returned by chain retailers to fund a high street voucher scheme aimed at boosting independent operators ahead of statement by Finance Secretary Kate Forbes MSP which is expected today.

It estimates that the Scottish Government will receive around £190m in returned rates reliefs and pointed to a Northern Ireland Executive announcement of a voucher £95m scheme to help boost the economy.

Mr McRae said: “The big chains that have handed back unneeded rates reliefs deserve plaudits for doing the right thing. Now Ministers in Edinburgh need to use this windfall cash to boost the Scottish small businesses that have been hit hardest by this pandemic.

"That’s why they need to launch a voucher scheme to get tills ringing in high streets across the country. This move would take the edge off the disappointment felt by many operators."