AN award-winning food business in Crieff that closed some operations in response to the coronavirus has made a successful move into the delivery business.

The Crieff Food Co business founded in the Perthshire town by Jamie Landale to showcase the products of local suppliers made big changes in response to guidance that suggested social distancing measures would help slow the spread of the virus. This involved closing its café and gift shop. It is now focused on its food hall operations.

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“Three weeks ago we did not have a delivery or collection service, today we are picking and packing for local delivery or safe collection over 50 per cent of our trade,” said Mr Landale.

The business can leave goods for collection in the car park next to the food hall.

Mr Landale said sales of products stocked in the food hall side of the business are up around 25% on the same time last year.

He said the business had been required to change its business model very quickly.

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Mr Landale closed the café and gift shop during the week before Boris Johnson imposed the coronavirus lockdown.

Thirteen employees who work in the café and gift shop side of the business have been placed on furlough. Five are running the food hall operations.

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