IRN-BRU maker AG Barr has ramped up its preparations for the forthcoming sugar tax by clinching a distribution deal with San Benedetto, the Italian soft drink producer.

Cumbernauld-based Barr will become the exclusive UK and Ireland distributor of San Benedetto’s Prima Spremitura sparkling drinks range from January 1. Barr confirmed that the range will not be subject to the controversial sugar tax, an anti-obesity measure due to be introduced by the UK Government in April.

The deal comes after the Scottish soft drinks giant declared in September that it was making good progress in its bid to reduce the sugar content of its brands. It aims to ensure that 90 per cent of its brands will contain less than 5g of total sugar per 100ml by January. The government is proposing to introduce two bands of sugar tax, one at 18p per litre for drinks with a sugar content of 5g and over per 100ml, and one at 24p per litre for products with more than 8g of sugar per 100ml

Barr said the San Benedetto drinks offer “authentic, high quality and levy-free additions” to its portfolio.