BISCUIT manufacturer Nairn’s Oatcakes has started production at a £6.5 million gluten-free manufacturing operation.

The facility, in Newtongrange, Midlothian, was constructed after its existing gluten-free sites reached full production capacity.

Nairn’s is one of the largest manufacturers of gluten-free products in the UK and the business said the new plant would allow it to meet demand for its current range, and develop new products to add to the portfolio.

Gluten-free products have been described as the driving force behind the UK’s £500m “free-form” market, which targets allergy sufferers and those with specific diets. Nairn’s said the new site would be a key asset in delivering long-term growth plans.

Martyn Gray, Nairn’s managing director, said: “Production at our current site had reached a ceiling, with limited scope for growth. With investment in larger-scale premises and plant, we now have both the capacity and competitive cost profile, associated with greater automation, to secure and develop the long term future of Nairn’s.”

Funding was provided by long term banking partner HSBC.

Donald Rankine, relationship director at HSBC in Scotland, said: “The gluten-free sector is thriving so we were more than happy to fund Nairn’s new manufacturing site and support the business’ ambitions.”