
DTZ, the property firm, has appointed Stuart Dorward as its business manager for Scotland.

Mr Dorward has responsibility for the company's offices in Glasgow and Edinburgh, which service its regional business in Scotland and global clients active in the country.

He succeeds James Thomson, who is now focusing on agency, development and consultancy work in the east of Scotland office market.

Mr Dorward said: "I am delighted to take on the role of business manager for DTZ in Scotland at an exciting time for the business. As the economy continues to recover, and with backing from the TPG consortium, we are in an exciting phase of development for our business, both locally and globally."

Colin Wilson, head of UK and Ireland for DTZ, said: "Scotland is a key element of DTZ's growth plans in the UK, building on our core strengths to increase service lines and capacity. Our Scottish leadership remains firmly committed on delivering a market leading business, supported by our strengthening global successes. We are delighted that Stuart has accepted the role and thank James for his significant contributions over the last nine years."


PROPERTY firm GVA James Barr has made a series of key promotions in Scotland.

Stuart Agnew, part of the firm's investment team, has become a senior director, with Steven Dalton who works in business rates also promoted to director.

Alasdair Barrie, who works in valuation, have been made the jump to associate level, while Peter Carus to has been promoted to associate and Tracey Hughes to principal in the planning team.

Keith Aitken, Regional Senior Director for GVA James Barr, said: "Our client reach continues to improve at the same time as most of the markets improve across Scotland. Stuart Agnew who leads the investment team, has been active in a series of investment acquisitions, disposals and development funding and is on course to record an excellent outturn in 2015.

"Steven Dalton is a major contributor to the rating team who continue to make significant rates savings for key public and private sector clients while Alastair Barrie has grown in stature in the Valuation team which is again one of Scotland's largest teams advising most of the key banks and other property lending clients."


ABBEYFIELD Scotland, the housing charity for older people, has added Jean Henretty to its management board.

Ms Henretty joins with more than 25 years' experience as a community development worker, having recently worked in Aberdeen City Council's social work and housing department.

She was a nurse for 10 years, working with the elderly in the NHS, before moving into community work.

Ms Henretty chairs the Banchory & District Initiatives and Marr Area Partnership charitable trusts, and is a former member of the Banchory Community Council and Community Development Trusts.

Abbeyfield Scotland chairman Jim Craigie said: "Jean's recruitment to the Board complements the recent appointments of Ian Craig and Kevin Toner which all serve to strengthen the existing skills mix as we take forward a new business model underpinned by Abbeyfield Scotland's values and experience.

"We are very pleased to welcome Jean to the Board."

Ms Henretty said: "I am delighted to join the Abbeyfield Scotland board at this exciting time for the organisation. I believe strongly in fairness and equality for everyone in society and Abbeyfield mirrors these values and I look forward to working with Jim and the Board."