Andy Maciver

Andy Maciver is the co-founder of Message Matters, a lobbying and PR consultancy. He is a political analyst and strategist, and a commentator both on these pages and on TV and radio. He is not a member of, or regular voter for, any political party, and is a federalist who believes the Scottish Parliament will only thrive in a post-constitutional environment with a new set of political parties. Before founding Message Matters, he worked in the charitable and private sectors, and serves as a voluntary adviser to mental health charity Place2Be.

Andy Maciver is the co-founder of Message Matters, a lobbying and PR consultancy. He is a political analyst and strategist, and a commentator both on these pages and on TV and radio. He is not a member of, or regular voter for, any political party, and is a federalist who believes the Scottish Parliament will only thrive in a post-constitutional environment with a new set of political parties. Before founding Message Matters, he worked in the charitable and private sectors, and serves as a voluntary adviser to mental health charity Place2Be.

Latest articles from Andy Maciver

Andy Maciver: Relax, Sir Keir, nobody cares about socialism now

“I would describe myself as a socialist”. So said Prime Minister-in-waiting Sir Keir Starmer this week. But voters are already moving beyond the labels, and more significantly moving beyond the ideological construct as a way of defining themselves, their politics and their voting patterns.

Andy Maciver: SNP has just made its smartest move in a decade

This time last month, Scotland had a First Minister whose competence, fairly or unfairly, was in question, and whose government was detached from the concerns of the everyday person. A government which prioritised issues about which few cared, and then landed on the wrong side of those issues. This time next month, Scotland seems likely to have a First Minister whose middle name is Competence, and whose government may be ready to reacquaint itself with the matters of importance to the everyday people of this country.