Lorne Jackson

Latest articles from Lorne Jackson

Herald Diary: King's speech? What's so amazing about that?

THE new Labour Government will instigate many fresh policies, though the traditions of Parliament remain the same, such as the King’s Speech, delivered yesterday. Reader Lauren Deane was attempting to explain the significance of this important ritual to her 11-year-old son ...

Herald Diary: And now the good news ... they might stop going on about 1966

The most fervent desire of the citizens of Scotia has been that one day – one miraculous day! – our English neighbours would stop blethering on about 1966, and all that. It seems that we’re about to get our wish, because the boastful bunch from beyond Hadrian’s Wall could soon be replacing ’66 with ’24 as their only topic of conversation.

Herald Diary: Should you get danger money for playing dominoes?

Reader Paul Stewart tells us that his teenage son, Steve, is a fan of the blood-thirsty computer game Grand Theft Auto (GTA), which focuses on the criminal exploits of fictional American gangsters. The other day Paul’s dad visited, and he tried to encourage Steve to quit playing GTA and take up a more sedate pastime, such as dominoes.