Alison Payne

Political Blogger

I'm the research director at the think tank Reform Scotland.  Prior to joining them in 2008,  I was a senior account manager with PPS and also spent six years working for the Scottish Conservative MSP group, including four years as head of research. I have an MA in Economics and Politics from the University of Edinburgh and am married with two children.

I'm the research director at the think tank Reform Scotland.  Prior to joining them in 2008,  I was a senior account manager with PPS and also spent six years working for the Scottish Conservative MSP group, including four years as head of research. I have an MA in Economics and Politics from the University of Edinburgh and am married with two children.

Latest articles from Alison Payne

Alison Payne 'Labour and Tory political game-playing on immigration is failing Scotland'

Scotland is facing a demographic crisis. The population is set to become older – by 2045 we are projected to have a 65% increase in the number of people over the age of 75. At the same time we are also the only part of the UK projected to have a smaller overall population. In other words, we are going to have a small number of working taxpayers paying to care for a higher number of non-working, non-taxpayers.