Barry Didcock

Senior features writer

Former feature writer and music editor of The Scotsman, former arts editor and features editor of the Sunday Herald, sometime contributor to BBC Radio Scotland on (variously) music, films, visual art and pirates.

Former feature writer and music editor of The Scotsman, former arts editor and features editor of the Sunday Herald, sometime contributor to BBC Radio Scotland on (variously) music, films, visual art and pirates.

Latest articles from Barry Didcock

Mick Jagger, a famous Edinburgh record shop, and a nightclub that changed the world

Rusty Egan Presents Blitzed! It’s a brave bouncer who would turn away Mick Jagger in his prime, and a very particular sort of nightclub whose door policy could cause it to happen. But then London’s much-celebrated Blitz Club was a very particular sort of place and turn Jagger away it did. The reason? He looked too, well, normal. At least that’s the legend.