Teddy Jamieson

Senior Features Writer

Born in Germany, raised in Northern Ireland, resident in Scotland more or less since 1982.  Fond of tea, Tottenham Hotspur and Touch of Evil. I’ve written one book (Whose Side Are You On?, Yellow Jersey, 2011), and interviewed Tracey Emin twice.   Hopefully no one holds either against me.

Born in Germany, raised in Northern Ireland, resident in Scotland more or less since 1982.  Fond of tea, Tottenham Hotspur and Touch of Evil. I’ve written one book (Whose Side Are You On?, Yellow Jersey, 2011), and interviewed Tracey Emin twice.   Hopefully no one holds either against me.

Latest articles from Teddy Jamieson

This must be the most controversial building in Scotland this century

“If you build it, they will come.” That line from the 1998 Kevin Costner baseball movie Field of Dreams is the mantra for any architect keen to make his or her mark on the landscape. The Bilbao Effect - the idea that economic regeneration can follow landmark architecture, inspired by Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum which opened in the Basque city in 1997 - has gone from revelation to cliche to bromide in the last quarter of a century.