George Baxter

George Baxter is Director of Development at Scottish owned independent renewable energy company GreenPower. George has worked in the Scottish energy sector spanning 30 years, in business, politics and in environmental NGOs.

George Baxter is Director of Development at Scottish owned independent renewable energy company GreenPower. George has worked in the Scottish energy sector spanning 30 years, in business, politics and in environmental NGOs.

Latest articles from George Baxter

George Baxter: It’s time to live in the real world not a fossil-fuelled fantasy

It is possible to power transport, homes and businesses and run energy networks using a wide range of genuinely clean technologies that already exist, including pumped storage hydro, grid-scale batteries, smart local energy systems and demand management, energy efficiency measures, green hydrogen, wind, solar, hydro, heat pumps, wave and tidal, EVs and the rest.