Calum Steele

Calum Steele is the general secretary of the International Council of Police Representative Associations

Calum Steele is the general secretary of the International Council of Police Representative Associations

Latest articles from Calum Steele

Calum Steele: So, what is behind Chief Constable's latest apology?

We all have at least one friend who when out for an Indian or Chinese would struggle to pick from a single choice menu. They always insist on ordering last as clearly hearing the dishes spoken brings a clarity in decision making that isn’t there when reading the thing. The meal is served and they are the one full of regret they didn’t choose what someone else had devoured beside them.

Calum Steele My heart broke for woman who was raped – but we can't jail innocent men

Standing in the dock next to a woman who had been raped broke my heart – but we can't jail innocent men Last week nine High Court judges sat to hear the Lord Advocate argue an 87-year-old ruling on how the law of corroboration is interpreted acts as a barrier to justice, and as such should be overturned. Whatever decision their noble lords reach injustice will continue somewhere in the system and the question should be asked if one interpretation of injustice is simply being traded for another.

Calum Steele: Chief Constable Jo Farrell inherited many problems then made them worse

Despite being appointed as Chief Constable in June last year Jo Farrell has been something of an elusive figure in Scottish public life. Last week, however, and some seven months after the fateful “blue light taxi” from Edinburgh to her home in the north of England Jo Farrell emerged from the bowels of Tulliallan Castle for a round of media interviews. These were of course accompanied by the usual performative walk around that looks good on the “socials” whilst delivering nothing meaningful in practice.