Roz Foyer

STUC General Secretary

Roz Foyer is the general secretary of the STUC, representing over 500,000 workers in Scotland. She is the first woman to hold the post. Roz is a regular commentator across a range of print and broadcast media, putting pressure on both the Scottish and UK governments to build an economy that works for working-class people and demand more radical solutions to the cost-of-living crisis.

Roz Foyer is the general secretary of the STUC, representing over 500,000 workers in Scotland. She is the first woman to hold the post. Roz is a regular commentator across a range of print and broadcast media, putting pressure on both the Scottish and UK governments to build an economy that works for working-class people and demand more radical solutions to the cost-of-living crisis.

Latest articles from Roz Foyer

Roz Foyer: Politicians talk the talk but they don't walk the walk over education

Education isn’t just for the young and doesn’t necessarily always have to be delivered in the ‘traditional’ academic setting. We’re never done learning. Not to get too sanctimonious about it but whether it’s in the classroom, the lecture hall or the shop floor, every interaction with a teacher or worker is an opportunity for learning and growth.

Roz Foyer: Industrial strategy is back in vogue

Just last week President Biden slapped 100% tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles and 50% on Chinese solar panels. Coupled with the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act – the US government’s flagship climate legislation channelling $369 billion towards US clean energy projects – this is a clear attempt to dominate the industries of the future.

Roz Foyer: Failure to devolve power to local communities casts a shadow over Holyrood

It seems we spend a lot of time in contemporary politics marking anniversaries.  This can sometimes seem a bit arbitrary.  There are thousands of important political moments from the past and normally more than one way to interpret them today.  Last week of course marked the 25th anniversary of the reconvening of the Scottish Parliament. Cue a flurry of thought pieces and political interventions timed to garner far more interest than if they were published last year or next.

Roz Foyer: Workers have had enough of nice ideas from the SNP and want to see action

Roz Foyer: Workers have had enough of nice ideas from the SNP and want to see action The big pitfall of writing my column on political developments is, in all honesty, this piece may be completely out of date by the time my words go to print. However, and I say this tentatively, I think we’re over the turbulence that’s engulfed Scottish politics for the past two weeks. Hopefully anyway.