Rachel Ormston

Research Director at Ipsos

Latest articles from Rachel Ormston

Labour and the SNP neck and neck, finds new Ipsos Scotland poll

Our most recent Ipsos Scotland poll has Labour and the SNP neck and neck, each with the support of 36% of likely voters. The Conservatives are trailing on 13%, with the Liberal Democrats on 5% and Reform on 4% (in contrast with recent UK-wide polls that estimate support for Reform at between 9% and 17%).

Rachel Ormston Polls show struggling public services are influencing voters - especially in Scotland

If 2019 was a ‘Brexit election’, it could be argued that this summer’s unexpected general election is shaping up to be a ‘public services’ election. Opinion polls place public services – especially the NHS, but also education in Scotland in particular – at the top of the public’s list of issues that will shape how they vote on July 4th, well ahead of constitutional issues like Brexit or, in Scotland, independence.