Mark McGeoghegan

Mark McGeoghegan is a writer and Postgraduate Researcher (PhD Politics & International Relations) at the University of Glasgow

Mark McGeoghegan is a writer and Postgraduate Researcher (PhD Politics & International Relations) at the University of Glasgow

Latest articles from Mark McGeoghegan

Mark McGeoghegan: Where does result leave battle between SNP and Scottish Labour?

Yesterday was the first election in my life that I went into the polling station entirely unsure of who I was going to vote for. Since 2010, I’ve voted in 12 elections and referendums and in each case, I knew well ahead of the vote which box (or boxes) my cross (or preferences) were going into. I’ve voted SNP and Labour and given preferences to all the main parties apart from the Conservatives, and in each case, I’ve voted positively for something.

Mark McGeoghegan: Britain's tarnished democracy is in crisis. Here is how to fix it

With just under two weeks to go, we are on course for a ground-shaking general election result. Labour are on course to win the popular vote by around 20 points, blowing Margaret Thatcher’s record 1983 winning margin of 14.8 points out of the water. Most projections have them winning the most seats since Stanley Baldwin’s victory in 1931 – some project Labour winning more seats than any single party in the United Kingdom’s 317-year history.

Mark McGeoghegan Can SNP claw back the voters they have lost to Labour? Here's what the polls tell us

In six weeks, we will have an incoming Labour government at Westminster. Labour will pour cold water on that sentiment. The Conservatives will big up the chances of the polls being wrong or missing some dynamic that will turn the election in their favour. But make no mistake, our drenched and embattled Prime Minister announced on Wednesday that he was crashing his Conservative government into the ground in a blaze of ignominy rather than allowing it to glide to an unceremonious end later in the year.