Guy Stenhouse

Guy Stenhouse is a notable figure in the Scottish financial sector. He has held various positions, including being the Managing Director of Noble Grossart, an independent merchant bank based in Edinburgh, until 2017

Guy Stenhouse is a notable figure in the Scottish financial sector. He has held various positions, including being the Managing Director of Noble Grossart, an independent merchant bank based in Edinburgh, until 2017

Latest articles from Guy Stenhouse

Guy Stenhouse: The endless spewing out of ill-thought out legislation has to stop

The Scottish Government has developed a calamitous skill in producing daft legislation. That the Hate Crime Act would bring out every grievance crank, of which there are many, who would report anybody who had looked at them the wrong way to poor old Police Scotland, which had made the dreadful mistake of promising to investigate every report, was entirely predictable. Not just predictable but predicted, by many people, many times.