Brian Taylor


You may have seen me on the telly. Or perhaps heard me on the wireless. Maybe you followed my political punditry and random musings online. For many years I was the Political Editor of BBC Scotland, covering and analysing Scottish, UK and global events. During that prolonged period, I also lost no opportunity to display my fanatical support for the mighty Dundee United.

You may have seen me on the telly. Or perhaps heard me on the wireless. Maybe you followed my political punditry and random musings online. For many years I was the Political Editor of BBC Scotland, covering and analysing Scottish, UK and global events. During that prolonged period, I also lost no opportunity to display my fanatical support for the mighty Dundee United.

Latest articles from Brian Taylor

Brian Taylor: The past is coming back to haunt our political leaders in election

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a political leader, when embroiled in a televised debate, will frequently resort to pious platitude. You know the sort of thing. A cornered contender will trill: “We have to remember that at the end of the day this election is all about…..the people!” Means nothing, costs nothing. If delivered with the requisite level of sincerity, it may even attract applause from the audience. Mind you, there are exceptions to this rule. Joe Biden, the current leader of the free world, could have used a few vaguely coherent platitudes in his encounter with Donald Trump.