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Public Notice

Upper Sonachan Wind Park Limited

Upper Sonachan Wind Park Limited
Notice is hereby given that Upper Sonachan Wind Park Limited, company registration number 09800322, whose registered office is situated at 172 Southgate Street, Gloucester, England, GL1 2EZ (a subsidiary of Ecotricity Group Limited) has applied to the Scottish Ministers for consent to construct and operate a wind farm on forested land at Upper Sonachan, near Portsonachan, Ardbrecknish and Cladich (Central Grid Reference: NN065188) and for a direction under Section 57(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 that planning permission for the development be deemed to be granted. The installed capacity of the proposed generating station would be up to 61.2 MW, comprising 18 turbines with a maximum overall ground to blade tip height of 136.5 metres.
Upper Sonachan Wind Park Limited has now submitted to Scottish Ministers further information in the form of a Further Environmental Information (FEI) report including information in relation to ecology, ornithology, landscape, hydrology, forestry and peat, to the Upper Sonachan Wind Park Environmental Statement.
Copies of the Further Environmental Information (FEI) report supplementing the Environmental Statement have been provided explaining the Company's proposals in more detail are available for inspection during normal office hours at:
Opening Hours
Monday and Wednesday - 10:00am - 1:00pm,
77 Albany
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Street, Oban,
Thursday - 10:00am - 1:00pm, 2: 00pm - 6:00pm
PA34 4AL
Friday - 10:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Saturday - 10:00am - 1:00pm
The FEI report can also be viewed at the Scottish Government Library at Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ. A copy of the further information has been made available to Argyll and Bute Council Offices (Municipal Building, Albany Street, Oban, PA34 4AW and open Mondayto Friday9.00am to 12.30pm then 1.30pm to4.00pm daily) for public inspection.
Copies of the FEI report may be obtained from Upper Sonachan Wind Park Limited (tel: 01453 790152) at a charge of £250 for a hard copy and £10 on CD. Copies of a short non-technical summary are available free of charge.
Any representations should be made in writing to The Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow G2 8LU or emailed to identifying the proposal and specifying grounds for objection or support, not later than 28th October 2016, although Ministers may consider representations received after this date.
Representations should be dated and should clearlystate the name(in blockcapitals) and full return email and postal address of those making representation. Onlyrepresentations sent by email to the address stipulated will receive acknowledgement.
All previous representations received in relation to this development remain valid.
Fair Processing Notice
The Scottish Government Local Energy & Consents processes consent applications and consultation representations under The Electricity Act 1989. During the process, to support transparency in decision making, the Scottish Government publishes online at When making an email or paper representation you will automatically be opted in to its publication unless you choose to mark it as confidential. We may share your personal data with DPEA and local Planning Authorities but will not publish your personal data (e.g. your name and address) as this is removed beforehand in compliance with the Data Protection Act. Should you choose not to provide your personal data then your representation will only be considered by Scottish Ministers and not be shared for consideration with any other party. If you have any concerns about how your personal data is handled, please email us at: or write to Local Energy & Consents, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU

Published on 28/09/2016