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Public Notice


NOTICE is hereby given that on 15 August 2016 a petition was presented to the Sheriff of Glasgow Sheriff Court by the Directors of JB Brickwork (LPM) Limited for inter alia an order under the Insolvency Act 1986 to
wind up JB Brickwork (LPM)
Limited, having its registered office at 10th Floo?, 133 Finnieston Street, Glasgow, G3 8HB (company number SC313532), in which Petition the
Sheriff by interlocutor dated 16 August2016 appointed Notice of the import of the Petition and of
the deliverance, and of the partic-
ulars specified in the Act of Sederuntto be advertised once in
the Edinburgh Gazette and once in the Herald Newspaper;
ordained the said JB Brickwork (LPM) Limited and any other per-sons interested, if they intended to show cause why the prayer of the Petition should not be grant-ed, to lodge Answers thereto in the hands of the Sheriff Clerk at Glasgow within eight days after such intimation, service or adver-
tisement, under certification;. and
eo die appointed Blair Carnegie Nimmo and Gerard Anthony Friar, Chartered Accountants,
both of KPMG LLP, 191 West
George Street Glasgow G2 2LJ
to be joint provisional liquidators
of the said company and
Authorises them to exercise the
powers contained in parts II and
IIl of schedule 4 to the Insolvency Act 1986; all of which Notice is hereby given.
Alan Turner Munro, Solicitor, TLT LLP, 140 West George Street,
Glasgow, G2 2HG
Agent for Petitioner

Published on 30/08/2016