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Public Notice

ZM EUROPE LTD (In Liquidation)

ZM EUROPE LTD (In Liquidation)
I, Thomas Campbell MacLennan, FRP Advisory LLP Apex 3, 95 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5HD give notice that on 21 June 2016 I was appointed Liquidator of the
above named Company by Resolution of the First Meeting of Creditors held in terms of
Section 138 of the Insolvency Act 1986. A Liquidation Committee was not established.
Accordingly, I hereby give notice that I do not intend to
summon another meeting to
establish a Liquidation Committee unless requested to do so by one tenth in value of
the Company's creditors. Further details contact: Gordon McIntyre,Tel: 0330 055 5455. Dated: 27June2016
Thomas Campbell MacLennan, Liquidator

Published on 01/07/2016