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Public Notice

Application by Euan Duncan McLaughlin for a commission

Application by Euan Duncan McLaughlin for a commission as a Sheriff Officer.
Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Sheriff Principal of North Strathclyde at Paisley by Euan Duncan McLaughlin, 24 St Enoch Square, Glasgow G1 4DB, for a commission as a Sheriff Officer within the Sheriff Court Districts of Campbeltown, Dumbarton, Dunoon, Greenock, Kilmarnock, Oban and Paisley within the Sheriffdom of North Strathclyde. The Sheriff Principal by Interlocutor dated the Fifteenth day of June Two Thousand and Sixteen, appoints any person who intends to object to the Initial Writ being granted to lodge answers thereto with the Sheriff Clerk, Sheriff Court House, St James Street, Paisley PA3 2HW, within thirty days from the date of this notice. Denise Loney, RWF House, 5 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 5EZ, Solicitor for Applicant.

Published on 21/06/2016