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Public Notice

Brims Tidal Array Ltd (BTAL) ELECTRICITY ACT 1989

Brims Tidal Array Ltd (BTAL)
Notice is hereby given that Brims Tidal Array Ltd (BTAL), registered in Scotland SC373159, of 1 George Square, Glasgow, G2 1AL, has applied to the Scottish Ministers for:
1. Consent, pursuant to Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989, to construct and operate an offshore generating station at a site with an area of 11.5 km2 located approx. 0.4 km south of Hoy, Orkney, Central Grid Reference 58° 45.611' N, 03° 14.431' W (WGS84), the Brims Tidal Array. The installed capacity of the proposed generating station would be up to 200 MW comprising up to 200 tidal turbines, the operational life would be 25 years.

2. A Marine Licence, pursuant to Section 20 of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, for the deposit of substances and objects and the construction, alteration or improvement of works within the Scottish Marine Area in relation to the Brims Tidal Array and offshore transmission works.

Copies of the applications, with a plan showing the land to which they relate, togetherwith a copy of the Environmental Statement discussing BTAL's proposals in more detail and presenting an analysis of the environmental implications, are available for inspection, free of charge, during normal office/opening hours at:
Longhope Post Office & Shop Kirkwall Public Library Scottish Government

Longhope 44 Junction Road Marine Laboratory

Stromness Kirkwall Library

Orkney KW16 3PG
Orkney KW15 1AG
375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen AB11 9DB
The Environmental Statement can also be viewed at the Scottish Government Library at Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ.
The Environmental Statement and Non-Technical Summary are available online for download at Copies of the Environmental Statement may be obtained from BTAL (Tel: ? 42 934 9054 or email: at a charge of £260 per hard copy (including p & p) or on DVD (no charge). Copies of a short Non-Technical Summary may also be obtained free of charge from BTAL.
Any representation on the application should be made by email to The Scottish Government, Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team mailbox at by post to The Scottish Government, Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team, Marine Laboratory, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9DB identifying the proposal and specifying the grounds for representation, not laterthan 26 July 2016.
Representations must state the reasons for objecting or supporting a proposal, be dated and clearly state the name of the person, or persons, representing and include a full return email or postal address of those making the representation. Representations that do not include all of the above information will be considered invalid. All representations to the Scottish Government will be copied in full to Orkney Islands Council.
When additional information (substantive information relating to the Environmental Statement from a statutory consultee orthe applicant) is received, a further public notice will give advice on how this information may be viewed by members of the public, and how representations may be made to the Scottish Ministers. During the consideration of the proposal, the Scottish Ministers may formally request further information to supplement the Environmental Statement and this will also be publicised in such a manner.
Where Scottish Ministers decide to exercise their discretion to do so, Scottish Ministers can cause a Public Inquiry to be held.
Following receipt of all views and representations, Scottish Ministers will determine each application for consent in one of three ways:
? Consent the proposal without conditions attached; or

? Consent the proposal with conditions attached; or

? Reject the proposal

Fair Processing Notice
The Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team process applications under The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and The Electricity Act 1989. During the consultation process letters of representation can be sent to the Scottish Ministers in support of or objecting to these applications.
Should the Scottish Ministers call a Public Local Inquiry (PLI), copies of these representations will be sent to the Directorate of Planning and Environmental Appealsfor the Reporter to consider during the inquiry. These representations will be posted on their website with address (home and email), signature and home telephone number redacted (blacked out).
Copies of representations will also be issued to the developer on request, again with address (home and email), signature and home telephone number redacted.
You can choose to mark your representation as confidential, in which case it will only be considered by the Scottish Ministers and will not be shared with the Planning Authority, the developer, the Reporter (should a PLI be called) or any other third party.
If you have any queries or concerns about how your personal data will be handled please visit or contact the Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team at: or in writing to The Scottish Government, Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team, Marine Laboratory, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9DB.

Published on 15/06/2016