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Public Notice


NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND Sequestration of the Estate of KAREN MCKINNON (DECEASED) Formerly Residing at 41 Milverton
Avenue, Bearsden, G61 4BG The Estate of Karen McKinnon (Deceased), whose creditors are unknown was sequestrated by the Sheriff of North Strathclyde at Dumbarton on 21 August 2014 and Kenneth Pattullo, Begbies Traynor, 3rd Floor West, Edinburgh Quay 2, 139 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, EH3 9QG has been appointed Tjy the Court to act as Trustee on the sequestrated estate. Any creditor of the debtor named above is invited to submit their statement of claim in
the prescribed form, with any supporting account or vouchers, to
the Trustee. For the purpose of for-
mulating claims creditors should
note that the date of sequestration is 16June2014. Interms of Section 52
of the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act
1985 any creditors wishing to par-
ticipate in a distribution are invited to submit their claims no later than
26 June 2016 being 8 weeks before the end of the next proposed
accounting period otherwise they may not participate in any distribution. The permanent trustee proposes to make a distribution of
funds in hand in October 2016. Dated: 5 May 2016
Kenneth Pattullo,Trustee

Published on 10/05/2016