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Public Notice

Amy Katriona McDonald & Angus Buchanan Robinson

Amy Katriona McDonald & Angus Buchanan Robinson
Notice is hereby given that on 15 April 2016 a petition was presented to Glasgow Sheriff Court on behalf of Amy Katriona McDonald & Angus Buchanan Robinson craving the Court inter alia to permit the Petitioners in the period of 5 years from 23 February 2016 to (a) be director of any company that is known by the names “Headtorch Limited”, “Headtorch”, “Headtorch Works” or any names so similar to the stated names as to suggest an association with Headtorch Limited t/a Headtorch Works (In Liquidation), a company incorporated under the Companies Acts and formerly having its registered office address at Studio 10, South Block, 60 Osbourne Street, Glasgow G1 5QH; (b) in any way, whether directly or indirectly, be concerned or take part in the promotion, formation or management of any such company; or (c) in any way, whether directly or indirectly, be concerned or take part in the carrying on of a business carried on (otherwise than by a company) under the names “Headtorch Limited”, “Headtorch”, “Headtorch Works” or any names so similar to the stated names as to suggest an association with the said Headtorch Limited t/a Headtorch Works; in which Petition the Sheriff of Glasgow and Strathkelvin at Glasgow by Interlocutor dated 19 April 2016 appointed all persons having an interest to lodge answers within eight days after intimation, service or advertisement; all of which notice is hereby given.

Michael Hankinson, Solicitor Macdonald Henderson Solicitors, Standard Buildings, 94 Hope Street, Glasgow, G2 6PH Agent for the Petitioners.

Published on 04/05/2016