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Public Notice


DCA/LB INT/18/1. Notice is hereby given that on 14 April 2016, a Petition was presented to the Sheriff of Glasgow and Strathkelvin at Glasgow by Abrar Rafique, a former director of Intertec Engineering Services Limited, having their Registered Office at 0/1, 262 Paisley Road West, Glasgow, G52 1BN ("the Company") craving the court, inter alia, that the Company be restored to the Register of Companies, in which Petition the Sheriff of Glasgow and Strathkevin at Glasgow by interlocutor dated 14 April 2016 appointed all persons having an interest to lodge Answers in the hands of the Sheriff Clerk at Glasgow Sheriff Court within 8 days after intimation, service or advertisement, all of which notice is hereby given. Miller Samuel Hill Brown LLP, Solicitors, RWF House, 5 Renfield Street, Glasgow, G2 5EZ DCA/LB IN/T18/1 Agent for the Petitioner.

Published on 21/04/2016