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Public Notice

NDR&NDR LIMITED (In Liquidation)

NDR&NDR LIMITED (In Liquidation)
Former Registered Office: 8 Maclachlan Road,
Helensburgh, G84 9BL I, Thomas Campbell MacLennan, FRP Advisory LLP, Apex 3, 95 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5HD, give notice that on 12 April 2016 I was appointed Liquidator of the above named
company by Resolution of the First Meeting of Creditors held
in terms of Section 138 of the Insolvency Act 1986. A
Liquidation Committee was not
established. Accordingly I here­by give notice that I do not intend
to summon another meeting to
establish a Liquidation Committee
unless requested to do so by one
tenth in value of the Company's
Further details contact: Tel: 0330 055 5455.
Dated 14 April 2016
Thomas Campbell MacLennan Liquidator

Published on 19/04/2016