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Public Notice


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON 5 April 2016 a Petition was presented to the Court of Session by Jacqueline Diamond; Wendy Borrill; Lincoln Carroll; Roderick Keay; Hazel Leask; and Keith Moffat, as directors of COMMUNITY ALCOHOL & DRUGS SERVICES SHETLAND (CADSS) craving the court inter alia to order that COMMUNITY ALCOHOL & DRUGS SERVICES SHETLAND (CADSS), with Company Number SC218327 and having its registered office at 44 Commercial Street, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0AB be wound up by the Court and an Interim Liquidator appointed; and that in the meantime Pamela Coyne, Insolvency Practitioner, of Scott Moncrieff, 25 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 6NL be appointed Provisional liquidator of the Company; in which Petition Lord Brailsford at the Court of Session by Interlocutor dated 7 April 2016 appointed all persons claiming an interest in the Petition to lodge Answers, thereto, if so advised with the Clerk of the Court of Session, Parliament House, Parliament Square, Edinburgh EH1 1RQ within eight days after intimation, service and advertisement; and eo die appointed the said Pamela Coyne as Provisional Liquidator of the Company with the powers specified in Parts I, II and III of Schedule 4 to the Insolvency Act 1986, without further intervention by the Court; all of which notice is hereby given.

James Lloyd Harper Macleod LLP The Ca’d’oro 45 Gordon Street Glasgow G1 3PE Our Ref: JLL/434475 SOLICITOR FOR THE PETITIONERS

Published on 12/04/2016