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Public Notice

The Transport and Works (Scotland) Act 2007

The Transport and Works (Scotland) Act 2007
The Transport and Works (Scotland) Act 2007 (Applications and Objections Procedure) Rules
Proposed Network Rail (Glasgow Queen Street
Station) Order
On 11 September 2015, Network Rail Infrastructure Limited of 1 Eversholt Street, London NW1 2DN ("Network Rail"; applied to the Scottish Ministers under section 4 of the Transport and Works (Scotland) Act 2007 for the above-mentioned Order under section 1 of that Act.
The Order, if made, would provide Network Rail with the necessary statutory powers for the redevelopment of Glasgow Queen Street Station, including the demolition of Consort House, demolition of the 1970's extension of the Millennium Hotel and removal of the existing canopy in Dundas Street adjoining the west elevation of Glasgow Queen Street Station. The development proposed in the application includes the construction of a new station building requiring removal of the south and west facades of the existing station building, roofing the station structure and reconfiguring the interior. The
Order would also authorise the temporary stopping up of Anchor Lane, and parts of Dundas Lane,
Dundas Street, West George Street and George Square.
The application is subject to an environmental impact assessment and further information is available in relation to the environmental statement which was provided with the
application. A copy of that information may be inspected free of charge atthe following place and times until 24 May 2016.
Place Times

Mitchell Library, Mondays to Thursdays: 9am to 8pm

North Street, Fridays and Saturdays: 9am to 5pm

Glasgow G3 7DN Sundays - Closed

Copies of that information can also be purchased
from Network Rail, 151 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5NW, telephone: 0808 280 2000 email: GksgowQueenStreeti Copies of the documents can also be inspected on Network Rail's website www.queenstreet
Objections or representations about the further information
should be sent to the Scottish Ministers, c/o Transport Scotland, Special Projects, MP4 - Area 2G North, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ. Email SpecialProjectsk Any such objection or representations MUST (i) be received by the Scottish Ministers on or before 24
May 2016, (ii) be made in writing (whether sent by post or email), (iii) state the grounds of the objection or
representations, (iv) indicate who is making the objection or
representations, and (v) give an address to which
correspondence relating to the objection or representations may be sent. (If you are sen'ding your objection or representations by en/ail, please provide a postal a'ddress.)
The Scottish Ministers may make complete copies of the
objection and representations public and will copy them to the applicant for the Order.
Signed: Winckworth Sherwood LLP

On behalf of: Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

Dated: 12 April 2016

Name and Winckworth Sherwood LLP,

status of signatory: Parliamentary Agents for the applicant Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London SE1 9BB

Published on 12/04/2016