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Public Notice

NOTICE to MARTIN LUEBKE carrying on business as SOS Plumbing & Heating CA3/16

NOTICE to MARTIN LUEBKE carrying on business as SOS Plumbing & Heating CA3/16
An action has been raised in Glasgow Sheriff Court by JEWSON LIMITED, Pursuers, calling as a Defender MARTIN LUEBKE carrying on business as SOS Plumbing & Heating, whose last known address was 3/1, 45 Arcadia Street, Glasgow, G40 1DX. If Martin Luebke, wishes to defend the action he should immediately contact the Sheriff Clerk at Sheriff Court House, 1 Carlton Place, Glasgow from whom the service copy Initial Writ may be obtained. If he fails to do so Decree may be granted against him.

Kenneth Balfour Lang 160 Hope Street, Glasgow, G2 2TL.

Solicitor for the Pursuers.

Published on 05/04/2016