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Public Notice

INTERREG VA Programme (2014-2020)

Interreg B
Northern Ireland - Ireland - Scotland
INTERREG VA Programme (2014-2020)
Eligible area: Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and Western Scotland
The Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) is issuing a call for the following objective within the European Union's INTERREG VA Programme:
? Research & Innovation - Objective 1.1 'Health & Life Sciences and Renewable Energy'.
The ?52.9m Research & Innovation call will open on the Monday 21st March 2016. Applications must be received no later than 3pm on Friday 6th May 2016.
The call will result in an increase in the number of peer reviewed journal and conference publications within the 'Health & Life Sciences' and 'Renewable Energy' sectors with cross-border authorship and the potential to create economic impact.
The SEUPB will not accept applications received after the date stated above. For general queries about this call please contact the SEUPB via email:
Full details of the call including the agreed outputs, indicative actions and application process can be found on the SEUPB website
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Published on 21/03/2016