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Public Notice

EDF Energy Renewables Limited

EDF Energy Renewables Limited
Notice is hereby given that EDF Energy Renewables Limited, 40 Grosvenor Place, London, SW1X 7EN (Registration Number: 2366852) has applied to the Scottish Ministers for consent to construct and operate Corriemoillie Wind Farm, approximately 7km northwest of Garve in Ross and Cromarty East, Highland (Central Grid Reference E343671, N234359). The installed capacity of the proposed generating station would be 60.8 MW comprising 19 turbines with a ground to blade tip height of 125 metres.
Planning permission for 19 turbines on the above site was granted by The Highland Council on 21 April 2011. EDF Energy Renewables propose to install 19 turbines of the same blade tip height in the locations on the site permitted by the planning permission. The proposed turbines have a greater generating capacity and consent is therefore required from the Scottish Ministers under the Electricity Act 1989.
For these reasons as further explained in the application documentation, EDF Energy Renewables Limited is not seeking a direction for deemed planning permission under s57(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. It is open to Scottish Ministers to direct that deemed planning permission be granted.
A copy of the application, with a plan showing the land to which it relates, together with a copy of the Environmental Statement discussing the Company's proposals in more detail and presenting an analysis of the environmental implications, are available for inspection, free of charge, during normal office hours at:
Garve Village Hall, Station Road, Garve, Ross-shire, IV23 2PS. Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
The Highland Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, Inverness-Shire IV3 5NX. Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.
Dingwall Service Point, Ross House, High Street, Dingwall IV15 9RY. Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm.
The Environmental Statement can also be viewed at the Scottish Government Library at Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ.
Copies of the Environmental Statement may be obtained from EDF Energy Renewables (tel: 0191 501 4021 at a charge of £540 (plus P&P) for a hard copy. CD copies of the Environmental Statement and hard copies of a short non-technical summary are available free of charge.
Anyrepresentations to the application should be made byemail to the Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit mailbox at
by post to The Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the proposal and specifying the grounds for representation, not later than 29 April 2016.
Representations should be dated and should clearly state the name (in block capitals), full return email and postal address of those making representations. Only representations sent by email to the address stipulated will receive acknowledgement.
When initial comments from statutory consultees are received further public notices will give advice on how this information may be viewed by members of the public, and how representations may be made to Scottish Ministers. During the consideration of the proposal, Scottish Ministers may formally request further information to supplement the Environmental Statement and this will also be advertised in such a manner.
As a result of a statutory objection from the relevant planning authority, or where Scottish Ministers decide to exercise their discretion to do so, Scottish Ministers can also cause a Public Local Inquiry (PLI) to be held.
Following receipt of all views and representations, Scottish Ministers will determine the application for consent in two ways:
? Consent the proposal, with or without conditions attached; or

? Reject the proposal

Fair Processing Notice
The Scottish Government Local Energy & Consents processes consent applications and consultation representations under The Electricity Act 1989. During the process, to support transparency in decision making, the Scottish Government publishes online at www. When making an email or paper representation you will automatically be opted in to its publication unless you choose to mark it as confidential. We may share your personal data with DPEA and local Planning Authorities but will not publish your personal data (e.g. your name and address) as this is removed beforehand in compliance with the Data Protection Act. Should you choose not to provide your personal data then your representation will only be considered by Scottish Ministers and not be shared for consideration with any other party. If you have any concerns about how your personal data is handled, please email us at: or write to Local Energy & Consents, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU

Published on 18/03/2016