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Public Notice

The Insolvency Act 1986 ARTSTORE (SCOTLAND) LIMITED (Company Number SC061159)

The Insolvency Act 1986 ARTSTORE (SCOTLAND) LIMITED (Company Number SC061159)
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 98 of the Insolvency Act 1986 that a meeting of creditors of the above named Company will be held at Titanium 1, King's Inch Place, Renfrew, PA4 8WF, on 16 March 2016, at 11.00 am for the
purposes mentioned in Sections 99 to 101 of the said Act. Creditors whose claims are unsecured, in whole or in part, are entitled to attend and vote in person or by
proxy providing that their claims (and proxies) have been submitted and accepted at the meeting or
lodged beforehand with Campbell
Dallas LLP. A list of the names and
addresses of the Company's creditors may be inspected, free of charge, at the offices of Campbell
Dallas LLP, Titanium 1, King's Inch Place, Renfrew, PA4 8WF, between
10.00 am and 4.00 pm on the two business days before the meeting.
Resolutions to be taken at the
meeting may include a resolution specifying the terms on which the
Liquidator is to be remunerated,
and the meeting may receive information about, or be called
upon to approve, the costs of preparing the statement of affairs
and convening the meeting. Further details contact: Derek Forsyth, Tel: 0141 886 6644. Alternative contact: Fiona MacFadyen Michael Kilmurry, Director

Published on 09/03/2016