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Public Notice


(In Liquidation) (Company Number SC407656)
I, Colin Anthony Fisher Hastings, of Hastings & Co, 82 Mitchell Street, Glasgow, G1 3NA, hereby give notice pursuant to Rule 4.19 of the Insolvency (Scotland) Rules 1986 that I was appointed Liquidator of the above Company
at the First Meeting of Creditors
held on 23 February 2016. No Liquidation Committee was
established on that date. Accordingly, I give notice under Rule 4.18 of the Insolvency (Scotland) Rules 1986 that I do
not intend to summon a Meeting
of Creditors for the sole purpose of establishing a Liquidation Committee. However, under the
terms of Section 142(3) of the
Insolvency Act 1986 I am required to call such a Meeting if
requested by onetenth in value of the Company's creditors. Further details contact: Marion Watt, Tel: 0141 221 5761. Dated: 24 February 2016 Colin A F Hastings, Liquidator

Published on 29/02/2016