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Public Notice


Notice is hereby given that on
3 February 2016 a Petition was presented to the Sheriff Court, Hamilton by Abrastore Ltd craving the court inter alia to

order that Abrastore Ltd having
their Registered Office at 2 Glenburn Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G74 5BA, be wound up
by the Court in which Petition,
the Sheriff by Interlocutor dated
4 February 2016 appointed

Kenneth Robert Craig and Kenneth Pattullo to be appointed
Provisional Liquidators of the
said company as Provisional Liquidators with the powers contained in Paragraphs 4 and 5 of Part 2 of Schedule 4 to the
Insolvency Act 1986; and
appointed all persons having an interest to lodge answers within eight days after intimation, service or advertisement; all of
which notice is hereby given. Karen E Buchanan, Buchanan Macleod Solicitors, 180 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 4RW.
Agent for Petitioners 8 February 2016

Published on 11/02/2016