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Public Notice

DPI Print Limited

DPI Print Limited
On 3 February 2016, a petition was presented to Glasgow Sheriff Court by Geoff Hall, 12 Park Terrace, First Floor, Glasgow,G3 6BY, craving the Court that DPI Print Limited (Company No.SC300386) having its registered office at 6th Floor, Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchell Street, Glasgow, G1 3NQ be wound up by the Court and an interim liquidator appointed; in which Petition, by interlocutor of 3 February 2016, the Sheriff appointed all parties having an interest to lodge answers within 8 days after intimation, advertisement and service, and in the meantime appointed Ian William Wright, WRI Associates Limited, 175 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LB to be provisional liquidator of the said company with authority to exercise the powers contained in parts I and II, and power to sell any of the company’s property in terms of paragraph 6, all of Schedule 4 to the Insolvency Act 1986.

Yvonne Morgan Morgan Legal 163 Bath Street Glasgow G2 4SQ Solicitor for the Petitioner 0141 258 4117

Published on 11/02/2016