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Public Notice

In the Estate of JAMES BRADY CORBETT (Deceased)

In the Estate of JAMES BRADY CORBETT (Deceased)
Late ol 29 Lonsdale Road Radlord Nottingham NG7 3DLL Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 27 ol the Trustee Act 1925 that all creditors, benelici ari esanc other persons having any claims against or interest in the Estate ol the above named deceased who died on 08(07/2011 are hereby required to send on or belore 29/03/2016 particulars ol such claims or interest to the undersigned Solicitors lor the personal representative ol the deceased And notice is hereby lurther given that any creditor, beneliciary or other person having anyclai msagai nstori nterestin the Estate
should be aware ol proceedings issued in
the Chancery Division ol the Birmingham District Registry on behall ol the persona
representative ol the deceased and any party claiming such interest are entitled to
collect a copy ol the proceedings lrom the undersigned Solicitors address at DBS Law Limited 40 The Ropewalk Nottingham 5EJ. And notice is hereby lurther given that
alter the sa d 29/03/2016 the personal representative will proceed with standard
distribution ol the Estate and will convey or
distributethe propertyol the said deceased among parties entitled thereto having
regard only to the claims and demands ol which particulars shall have been received

Published on 29/01/2016