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Public Notice

Clan MacAlpine Society

Clan MacAlpine Society
– Call for Representers Family Convention to be held at Abbotsford House, Melrose Roxburghshire on September 10, 2016. The Clan MacAlpine Society seeks to gain formal recognition of a Chief of Name and Arms by the Lord Lyon King of Arms. Having an armigerous Chief, MacAlpine would then be constituted and regarded as a clan or family in its own right. The Convention will be held under the supervision of Mark D. Dennis Esq., Ormond Pursuivant of Arms as the appointed Supervising Officer and representative of the Lord Lyon. Those wishing to be considered as interim Commander, chosen at a Family Convention as above, should request fuller information from the Secretary of the Clan MacAlpine Society by email at or Robin L. McAlpine, 3061 Harbor Blvd., Ventura, CA 93001, USA

Published on 18/01/2016