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Public Notice

University of Glasgow General Council Half Yearly Meeting

University of Glasgow General Council Half Yearly Meeting
The Half-Yearly Meeting of the General Council will be held on Saturday 30th January 2016 at 10.30 for 11am in the Senate Room, Main Building, University of Glasgow.
All graduates and teaching staff are entitled to attend. The Chancellor, Professor Sir Kenneth Calman will be in the Chair. The meeting will be addressed by the Principal, Professor Anton Muscatelli. After the meeting, there will be separate presentation by Mrs Ann Allen, Director of Estates and Buildings on the campus redevelopment plans.
The agenda for the meeting is as notified to members in the January 2016 edition of Avenue.
There is a vacancy on the General Council Business Committee. If any member wishes to be nominated to serve on this Committee, further information and nomination forms are available at:
Amber Higgins, Clerk to the General Council,
2 The Square, University of Glasgow G12 8QQ,

Published on 05/01/2016