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Public Notice


BRYSON BROWN INSULATION LIMITED Company Number: SC274941 (In Liquidation)
I, David Hunter of Campbell Dallas LLP, Titanium 1, King's Inch Place, Renfrew PA4 8WF, hereby give notice pursuant to Rule 4.19 of the Insolvency (Scotland) Rules 1986 that I was appointed Liquidator of Bryson Brown Insulation Limited/ by resolution of the creditors present
at the meeting of creditors held
on 26 November 2015.
A Liquidation Committee was not formed. I do not intend to summon another meeting
to establish a Liquidation Committee unless requested to do so by one tenth, in value, of the company's creditors. Further
details contact: David K Hunter, Tel: 0141 886 6644. Alternative contact: Fiona MacFadyen. Dated: 27 November 2015
David K Hunter, Liquidator

Published on 02/12/2015