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Public Notice


I, Ian William Wright, Insolvency Practitioner hereby give notice that I was appointed Interim Liquidator of SC Cars (Scotland) Ltd on 3 November 2015 by Interlocutor of the Sheriff of South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway at Airdrie Sheriff Court (Court Reference L25/15). Notice is also given that the First Meeting of Creditors of the above company will be held at the offices of WRI Associates Limited, 3rd Floor, Turnberry House, 175 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LB on 15 December 2015 at 12.00 Noon for the purposes of choosing a liquidator and of determining whether to establish a Liquidation Committee. Creditors whose claims are unsecured, in whole or in part, are entitled to attend and vote in person or by proxy providing that their claims and proxies have been submitted and accepted at the meeting or lodged beforehand at the undernoted address. A resolution will be passed when a majority in value of those voting have voted in favour of it. For the purpose of formulating claims, creditors should note that the date of commencement of the liquidation is 5 October 2015. Further information contact: Ishbel MacNeil Email: Telephone: 0141 285 0910 Ian William Wright (IP No. 9227) Interim Liquidator WRI Associates Limited Third Floor Turnberry House 175 West George Street Glasgow G2 2LB

Published on 01/12/2015