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Public Notice


Facility Maintenance Management Limited
Notice is hereby given that on 22 October 2015, a Petition was presented to the Sheriff of Glasgow and Strathkelvin at Glasgow by Stuart Drummond Kelso, craving the court that Facility Maintenance Management Limited, a Company incorporated under the Companies Acts and having its registered office at 168 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4TP (“the Company”) be wound up by the Court, and that an Interim Liquidator be appointed; and in the meantime, that Annette Menzies, William Duncan (Business Recovery) Limited, 2nd Floor, 18 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 6NU, be appointed as Provisional Liquidator; in which Petition the Sheriff at Glasgow, by Interlocutor dated 23 October 2015, appointed all persons having an interest to lodge answers thereto in the hands of the Sheriff Clerk at Glasgow within 8 days after intimation, service and advertisement; and appointed the said Annette Menzies to be Provisional Liquidator of the Company with the powers specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of part 2 of schedule 4 to the Insolvency Act 1986; all of which notice is hereby given. Stephanie Carr, Harper Macleod LLP, 45 Gordon Street, Glasgow G1 3PE Agent for the Petitioner.

Published on 05/11/2015