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Public Notice


KINVIEW CONTRACTS LIMITED (Company Number SC435614) (formerly Fairview Contracts Ltd and Fairview Builders Ltd) In Liquidation Notice is hereby given that I, Linda Hastings of Hastings & Co, 82 MitcheTl Street, Glasgow, G1 3NA, was appointed Interim Liquidator of KinView Contracts Limited by
Interlocutor of the Sheriff of
Glasgow & Strathkelvin at Glasgow dated 16 October 2015.
Notice is also given, pursuant to
Section 138(4) of the Insolvency Act 1986 and Rule 4.12 of the Insolvency (Scotland) Rules 1986, that the First Meeting of Creditors
of the Company will be held
at Hastings & Co, 82 Mitchell
Street, G asgow, G1 3NA, on 25
November 2015, at 10.00 am for
the purposes of choosing a Liquidator and considering the other resolutions specified in Rule 4.12(3) of the aforementioned
Rules. To be entitled to vote at the
meeting, creditors must have lodged their claims with me at or
before the meeting. Voting must either be in person or by the credi­tor or by form of proxy. To be valid, proxies must either be lodged with me at the meeting or at the under-
Further details contact: Tel: 0141 221 5761
Linda Hastings, Interim Liquidator
27 October 2015

Published on 30/10/2015