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Public Notice


Notice is hereby given that on 19th August 2015 a Petition was presented to the Sheriff Court, Glasgow, by CLAD (UK) LIMITED craving the court inter alia to order that CLAD (UK) LIMITED having their Registered Office formerly at INCHMUIR ROAD,WHITEHILL INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, BATHGATE, EH48 2EW and now at CARE OF BDO, 4 Atlantic Quay, 70 York Street, Glasgow G2 8JX, be wound up by the Court; in which Petition, the Sheriff by Interlocutor dated 20th August 2015 appointed Bryce Luke Findlay to be appointed Provisional Liquidator of the said company with the powers contained in Paragraphs 4 and 5 of Part 2 of Schedule 4 to the Insolvency Act, 1986; and appointed all persons having an interest to lodge answers within eight days after intimation, service or advertisement; all of which notice is hereby given.

Karen E Buchanan Solicitor Buchanan Macleod Solicitors 180 West Regent Street Glasgow G2 4RW Agent for Petitioners

Published on 27/08/2015