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Public Notice

Mighty Ricks Boxing Limited

Mighty Ricks Boxing Limited
On 11 August 15 a Petition was presented to Glasgow Sheriff Court craving the court inter alia to order that Mighty Ricks Boxing Limited, Company number SC407933, 26 Blythswood Square, Glasgow be wound up by the Court and to appoint a Liquidator; a Provisional Liquidator be appointed; in which Petition the Sheriff by Interlocutor dated 18 August 2015 appointed Kenneth R Craig, 10-14 West Nile Street, Glasgow as Provisional Liquidator with the powers contained in Paragraphs 4 & 5 of Part 2 of Schedule 4 to the Insolvency Act 1986 for a limited period of 3 months from 18 August 2015 (unless otherwise extended) or until the appointment of an interim liquidator of the said company is appointed; the Sheriff by Interlocutor ordained any parties having an interest to lodge Answers with the Sheriff Clerk, Glasgow within 8 days of intimation, service or advertisement; all of which notice is hereby given.

Marcus Whyte TCH Law, 29 Brandon Street, Hamilton.

Published on 26/08/2015