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Public Notice

Macaron Properties Limited

Macaron Properties Limited
NOTICE is hereby given that on 5 August 2015 a Petition was presented to the Sheriff of Glasgow and Strathkelvin at Glasgow by Royal Bank of Scotland plc, 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB for the name of Macaron Properties Limited, a Company incorporated under the Companies Acts and having its Registered Office at Unit 5, 61 Hydepark Street, Glasgow G3 8BW to be restored to the Register of Companies in which Petition the Sheriff at Glasgow by deliverance dated 5 August 2015 appointed Notice of the import of the Petition and deliverance to be advertised once in the Edinburgh Gazette and the Herald newspapers and appointed any person interested, if they intended to show cause why the Petition should not be granted, to lodge Answers thereto with the Sheriff Clerk at Glasgow Sheriff Court, 1 Carlton Place, Glasgow G5 9DA within eight days after such intimation, service or advertisement under certification; all of which Notice is hereby given.

Alan Turner Munro, Solicitor, TLT LLP, 140 West George Street, Glasgow Agent for the Petitioner

Published on 20/08/2015