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Public Notice

GNI (UK) Limited

GNI (UK) Limited
The Pipe-Line Works (Environmental Impact Assessment)
Regulations 2000
Notice is hereby given that GNI (UK) Limited; company registration 2827969,
5th Floor, 6 St. Andrew Street, London, EC4A 3AE has applied to the Scottish
Ministers for a Pipe-line Construction Authorisation (PCA) for a 7.2km Gas
Pipe-line located to the west of Dumfries between Cluden (Grid Reference
NX932796) and Lochfoot (Grid Reference NX898743).
In 2001 a PCA was granted in favour of the developer for the construction of
a 915mm gas pipeline from Beattock to Brighouse and a 762mm gas pipeline
from Brighouse to Solway Firth along a specified route (with a 200m limit
of deviation). This PCA has been partially implemented, however GNI (UK)
Ltd identified the need for a 7.2km re-route between Cluden and Lochfoot
following consultation with Scottish Water who raised concern regarding
potential impacts on groundwater, the suggested re-route for which PCA is
sought avoids this area of concern.
The project has been also recognised by the European Commission as a
‘Project of Common Interest’ (PCI). The reasoning behind this recognition is
that upon completion the twin pipeline section from Cluden to Brighouse Bay
would increase the security of supply to the Republic of Ireland with natural
gas from the North Sea and other international gas reserves.
GNI (UK) Limited has also applied for a direction under Section 5 of the
Pipe-lines Act 1962 that planning permission for the development be deemed
to be granted.
A copy of the application, together with a copy of the Environmental
Statement which discusses the proposals in more detail and presents an
analysis of the environmental impacts of the proposal are available for
inspection (free of charge) during normal office hours at:
• Dumfries and Galloway Council: Kirkbank House, English Street,
Dumfries, DG1 2HS;
• The Scottish Government Library, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ.
They will be available until close of business on 18th September 2015.
Copies of the Environmental Statement may be obtained from GNI (UK)
Limited (tel: 00353 21 453 4857) at a charge of £200 printed and £5
on CD. Copies of a short non-technical summary are available free of
charge. Alternatively information can be viewed at the following website:
Any representations to the application should be made by email
to the Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit mailbox at, or by post to: The Scottish Government,
Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw,
Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the proposal and specifying the grounds for
representation, not later than 18th September 2015.
Representations should be dated and should clearly state the name
(in block capitals), full return email and postal address of those making
representations. Only representations sent by email to the address stipulated
will receive acknowledgement.
During the consideration of the proposal, Scottish Ministers may formally
request further information to supplement the Environmental Statement and
this will also be advertised in such a manner.
Following receipt of all views and representations, Scottish Ministers
will either consent the proposal (with or without conditions) or reject the
Fair Processing Notice
The Scottish Government Local Energy & Consents processes consent
applications and consultation representations under The Pipe-lines Act
1962. During the process, to support transparency in decision making, the
Scottish Government publishes online at When
making an email or paper representation you will automatically be opted in
to its publication unless you choose to mark it as confidential. We may share
your personal data with DPEA and local Planning Authorities but will not
publish your personal data (e.g. your name and address) as this is removed
beforehand in compliance with the Data Protection Act. Should you choose
not to provide your personal data then your representation will only be
considered by Scottish Ministers and not be shared for consideration with
any other party. If you have any concerns about how your personal data is
handled, please email us at: or write
to Local Energy & Consents, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw,
Glasgow, G2 8LU

Published on 14/08/2015