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Public Notice

The Scottish Poppy Appeal

The Scottish Poppy Appeal, organised by Poppyscotland (The Earl Haig Fund Scotland, Scottish Charity Number SCO14096).
Exempt Promoter Mr Ian McGregor. Poppyscotland (The Earl Haig Fund Scotland) wishes to thank the Scottish public for its continuing generosity and the many area organisers and collectors throughout Scotland for their unstinting support of The Scottish Poppy Appeal, which took place in November 2014. The Appeal raised £2,148,869. Thanks to this support Poppyscotland is able to continue helping less fortunate members of the veterans’ community and their dependants. Expenses including the cost of poppy materials, personnel and ancillary costs relating to the national event amounted to £467,603. The net proceeds of £1,681,266 helped fund record levels of benevolence and included not only financial assistance to individuals in need but also support to specialist ex-Service organisations including The Lady Haig Poppy Factory and The Royal British Legion Scotland. Further information about The Scottish Poppy Appeal and the work of Poppyscotland can be obtained by contacting the Head of Fundraising at New Haig House in Edinburgh on 0131 557 2782 or by visiting our website at

Published on 14/08/2015