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Public Notice

COMPANY NUMBER: SC219175 THE INSOLVENCY ACT 1986 Riverside Stationers

COMPANY NUMBER: SC219175 THE INSOLVENCY ACT 1986 Riverside Stationers Ltd
Trading Address: Stuart House, Eskmills Park, Station Road, Musselburgh EH21 7PB. Registered Office: 9 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh EH3 6AT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 98 of the Insolvency Act 1986 that a meeting of creditors of the above company will be held at the offices of Grant Thornton UK LLP, 7 Exchange Crescent, Conference Square, EH3 8AN on Tuesday 18 August 2015 at 11.15 am for the purposes provided for in Sections 100 and 101 of the Act. A creditor entitled to attend and vote at the meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his place. It is not necessary for the proxy to be a creditor of the company. Proxy forms must be returned to the offices of Grant Thornton UK LLP, 7 Exchange Crescent, Conference Square, Edinurgh, EH3 8AN at or before the meeting. A statement of the amount claimed is also required to enable a creditor to vote, whether in person or by proxy. A list of the names and addresses of the company's creditors will be available for inspection free of charge at the offices of Grant Thornton UK LLP, 7 Exchange Crescent, Conference Square, Edinburgh, EH3 8AN on Friday 14 August 2015 and Monday 17 August 2015 between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm. If no liquidation committee is formed at this meeting, then resolutions may be taken specifying the terms on which the liquidator is to be remunerated and disbursements charged.Background information regarding the fees of liquidators can be found at (navigate via 'Regulation and Guidance' to 'Creditors Guides to Fees'). The meeting will receive information about, or be called upon to approve, the costs of preparing the statement of affairs and convening the meeting. DATED 5 AUGUST 2015 Kenneth Sneddon Director

Published on 10/08/2015