NEW Celtic coach Wim Jansen arrived in Holland yesterday to meet his squad of players for the first time and then remained locked in talks with general manager Jock Brown and his assistant, Davie Hay, about the future for the Parkhead playing staff.

However, Jansen was insistent that new players - from Hay's list - would be brought in as quickly as possible.

Indeed, he said: ''I am aware, obviously, of Wednesday's deadline for signing players in time for Europe.

''My view is that if the club needs new players, and Davie Hay says they do, then I would like them to be here in the training camp before Wednesday.''

Brown then added: ''I am going back home in the morning and, after our talks, I shall be initiating transfer moves. I will not divulge the budget we have - that would be wrong.

''But I know that there is money available for Wim to buy the quality players already targeted.

''The problem we have is that clubs - and even players - will raise their demands because of the deadline for Europe. That is something we must live with. But, if Wim wants the players here, then I will be working to bring them to the training camp as quickly as pos-sible.''

Jansen watched the players in training yesterday but did not take an active part and then studied videos of Celtic's game last season.

Afterwards, he went into the talks with Hay, which will decide the direction the club will take.

He said: ''I will be guided by Davie Hay because he knows more about the club at the moment than I do. I shall talk to him about the players we need and then we shall go from there.

''I will also have to see exactly how the present players perform. I must look at that, study that, and then make up my mind. I want to do the best for this club.''

Jansen has also indicated to Brown that he wishes to see Paolo Di Canio with the squad of players in Holland. He did, however, deflect any questions about the tempera-mental Italian to the general manager.

Brown then insisted: ''I will be speaking to Paolo in the morning. But our stance remains the same. The club believe that he should be here with the rest of the players in Holland. Wim believes the same.

''He will be told that and if he does not agree to come to Holland then he will be in breach of contract.

''As a club we will not countenance that. We want him to be here and he will be told so. If he does not follow the club's instructions then he will be disciplined. But that will be a matter which will be dealt with internally.''

Already, Di Canio has been fined two weeks' wages by club chairman Fergus McCann. He has appealed against that, but now his stance over the pre-season training seems sure to bring a similar fine from the club.

Brown said yesterday that he had not yet addressed the grievances which the Italian claims to have against Celtic. All they have done so far is to talk about his attitude towards the pre-season training programme.

If Di Canio refuses to travel to Holland then, clearly, he will be in even deeper trouble with the club.

Jansen said: ''I would hope that he will be here soon. I want to be able to assess all the players.''

Brown added: ''After I speak to Paolo in the morning I would hope that he will then decide to join the other players and, if that is the case, we shall bring him here just as soon as is pos-sible.''

If Di Canio persists with his objections to the pre- season training programme, then it would surely be the end of the road for the Italian with Celtic.

That is just one of the problems facing Jansen.

But the Dutchman maintained: ''Celtic are a big club, a very big club, and that is why I agreed to join them. I had other offers but none of them came from a club of this size.

''Now, what I have to do is produce a team. That is my priority. If I need new players then I shall bring in new players. If I want players to stay here, then I will ask them to stay.

''But that will happen after I have worked with the players, after I have seen them, and after I have talked with Davie Hay.

''Obviously, I would want some new players in before Wednesday's deadline.

''I would like to have them here with me in Holland.''

Jansen also wants to have his right-hand man in place as soon as the new players.

He will be Scottish and Brown said: ''We already are making moves to bring in someone that Wim will be comfortable with.''

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